19 August 2023

 What did I accomplish this summer?

Speech to text – not yet edited

This week I performed a humbling task of asking if I could get paid a little bit more for my summer work. I was supposed to work 15 summer days and I've already work close to 30. 

 but that isn't the point of this little article. the point is that when I look back at what I've done this summer there are many days where I know that I worked all day but I can't specifically describe exactly what I accomplished. and it was at that moment that I thought of the idea of a reporter a reporter on some sort of assignment where they have to collect a lot of information before they can eventually write a story.

 in the movie spotlight Michael Keaton's character explains to the new editor that they spend a lot of time looking around for stories and often will take months or years to develop a story That's how I feel about my summer there are lots of days where I was just searching around to figure out what I knew and what I didn't know and how it can make things work and at the end of all my work there will be a one-page report card that we're calling a progress report. there will be a way to enter Behavior information. and there will be a way to analyze data.

 but in the case especially over the report card it is very similar to working for a long time on an article eventually it will go out to about 1500 students each of whom will receive all progress report and that progress report will be one to two pages long and it will be useful to them and to their family but the idea that I have spent most of the summer working to make that happen is well I don't know what it is.

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