08 November 2008

Responses to Assessment Conference


I loved reading those. The one that most hit home to me was 1-5 (or 1-7) grading/assessment system, rather than percentages. I just could not agree more that percentages alone mean absolutely nothing -- this is clearly a big thing that AP and IB get right.

I also think the emphasis on progress reports is huge --- while teaching, I found this to be the most draining (in terms of both energy and time) aspect of the job, but it's also the way to make the biggest difference. Reading your stuff really makes me long to be back in the classroom.

Another one:
Wow, I had the same thought as [the writer above] as I was reading (about wanting to be back in the classroom). I actually was afraid that he would walk into the office tomorrow and tell [his boss] he was done...

Really interesting stuff and I think the fact that you are posting these things (and I'm assuming making that available to other teachers) is absolutely an incredible way to communicate the stuff you took away from the conference to the staff. So much resonates.

I would definitely encourage you to not be shy about getting this in front of teachers. You know how busy people are. Send them the link 3 times or find some other way to do it. It is important.

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