28 July 2023


An old one from 2011. Partially done.

I had the chance to interview for the Assistant Principal job at Concord High School the other day. It was a short interview and I was over-prepared. So I wanted to lay out why I think I would be helpful to CHS.

Overall Focus--Student Learning
  • Curriculum--I feel that we need to make sure to continue (as a school) to focus on competencies and to focus revising and refining the existing competencies. And where possible we need to examine how we can do this in a collaborative way.
  • Instruction--The teachers at CHS are excellent but there are always new strategies to consider and especially new ways of planning instruction in teacher groups. It is also has become more and more important to be clear about the goals. Real world skills are being stressed more and more by teachers and politicians and other leaders.
  • Assessment--How can we increase student assessment of their own work? Not evaluation (grading) but creating a system where students regularly look at the work that they have created and compare it to the goal. When a person is working on re-doing a roof they should regularly look at other roofs that are well installed. Or when working on a writing sample writers might look at exceptional writing samples.
  • Climate and Culture
  • Administration and Support

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